Monday, December 21, 2009

Apparently I'm a fainter

Apparently I am a person who passes out. I didn't realize that not everyone does this! I am currently looking a slice on my thumb that Saturday morning made me woozy and slump over in my chair...getting blood all over me! Looking at it now it doesn't seem like an injury that would make anybody look twice, much less keel over. But I did.

I fainted earlier this year while rushing out of our house early in the morning...trying to make my flight to Hawaii! I was in flip flops in the great Portland downpour and stepped too heavily on our porch, crashed down on the step below me and bruised my tail bone. Did I faint then? No. I waited until I stood up too fast, had a head rush and then collapsed head first on the concrete slab another step below me. I woke up freezing, wet, in pain, lying on the pavement with my roommate asking me who the president was. I had enough energy to still be excited that it was Obama! Then I felt my goose-egg. I have read about them, never had one. It looked like I had achieved a separate, smaller head attached to my forehead. Excellent.

I fainted in high school while I was at the front of my church singing on Easter Sunday with the choir. Nice. I woke up in the ante-room with my dad and the pastor freaking out, trying to get blood back into my head.

So I'm a fainter. If I ever pass out around you please don't freak out. I can't help it! Also, waking up from a faint is one of the most trippy experiences you can have.

But my sister has panic attacks so HA!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Another blog

This is the 3rd blog I've created in the past 5 years. I am never very good at updating them. My last blog entry on my last blog was more than a year ago. Apparently I don't process my thoughts this way. But I do like lists. So I might start a blog of lists of important things: food, books, thoughts (more like a traditional blog), phrases, friends, etc. For now, let this be my introduction.